Unser Planet - Know-how: corrosion control oil and gas industry


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Unser Planet Know-How Know-how: corrosion control oil and gas industryUnser Planet Know-How Know-how: corrosion control oil and gas industryUnser Planet Know-How Know-how: corrosion control oil and gas industry


Photographs of this slide display the types of corrosion damages that are most typical at the deposits and enterprises of oil-and-gas production. Photo 1 illustrates the corrosion damage of the pipeline under the impact of carbon dioxide in the presence of water. Photo 2 presents the pitch-fretting corrosion of pump-compressor pipes, while photo 3 displays the atmospheric corrosion at the flowline of a gas well.

Statistical investigations indicate that even with high-tech methods of production, treatment and processing of oil and gas the losses of metals caused by corrosion are more than 20% of the general losses for the entire   industry!!!

ONE FOR ALL: Polyfunctional corrosion inhibitors 2015

new generation

one inhibitor against
1.Pitch corrosion
2.Point or pitting corrosion
3.Intercrystalline corrosion
4.Fretting corrosion
5.Corrosion cracking

   As was noted earlier, oil producers confront, primarily, two major problems causing complications in the operation of wells, oilfield equipment, and distribution pipelines that require urgent solution.

 First problem involves the protection from corrosion, while the second one involves the need of removing ARPD and mineral depositions.    

   Let us consider the corrosion problem.

    The corrosion of metal oil-and-gasfield equipment and distribution pipelines occurs under the influence of mineral salts and corrosive gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and oxygen dissolved in oil-field and bottom water, and due to the effect of possible corrosion stimulated by the action of microorganisms and certain chemical reagents fed into well. 

   This slide presents the main types of corrosion of oil-and-gasfield equipment: 

- pitch corrosion in the form of separate caverns;

- point or pitting corrosion in the form of a set of local point damages;

- intercrystalline corrosion spreading between the metal crystals; 

- fretting corrosion that causes the formation of pits, etc. on contact surfaces in stationary detachable connections of oil and gas equipment (for example, connections of strings of pump-compressor pipes (PCP)  and pump rods, rotor wheels with shafts of centrifugal pumps, threaded connections, etc.);

- corrosion cracking that represents the formation of corrosion cracks due to hydrogen saturation, corrosion fatigue of metal, and the effect of tension stresses (for example,  PCP strings).


In case of the release into water and soil the product undergoes biodegradation under the impact of microorganisms in both the aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

The Biodegradability of Himipex products is higher than 70 %.


Low concentration: only 10 g/t

High adsorption Effect: up to 30 days

Thermostability and antioxidant properties: from –55 till 350 °С

Biodegradability: higher 70%

 Mohr about polyfunctional corrosion inhibitors  new generation 2015


Know-how at the corrosion control in oil and gas industry



one for all Corrosion inhibitor: Carbon dioxide CO2, Hydrogen sulfide H2S, Paraffins, Asphaltene and asphaltic resinous sediments, other agents

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